La casa editrice New Directions è stata fondata nel 1936, quando James Laughlin (1914–1997), allora un ventiduenne di Harvard, pubblicò la prima delle antologie di New Directions.
"Chiesi consigli sulla mia 'carriera' a Ezra Pound,' ricordò James Laughlin. 'Aveva letto i miei poemetti per mesi e li aveva giudicati senza speranza. Mi incoraggiò a terminare Harvard e poi fare 'qualcosa' di utile.'"
Oggi alla guida della casa editrice c’è Barbara Epler, entrata in ND nel 1984
33 products
  • KAPPA. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
    KAPPA. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
    Sold out
  • The dry heart. Natalia Ginzburg
    The dry heart. Natalia Ginzburg
  • The Factory. Hiroko Oyamada
    The Factory. Hiroko Oyamada
    Sold out
  • The Houseguest & other stories. Amparo Davila
    The Houseguest & other stories. Amparo Davila
    Sold out
  • Concluding. Henry Green
    Concluding. Henry Green
    Sold out
  • A Shock. Keith Ridgway
    A Shock. Keith Ridgway
    Sold out
  • The hour of the star. Clarice Lispector
    The hour of the star. Clarice Lispector
    Sold out
  • The Hotel Years. Joseph Roth
    The Hotel Years. Joseph Roth
    Sold out
  • Hurricane Season. Fernanda Melchor
    Hurricane Season. Fernanda Melchor
  • The Unfortunates. B. S. Johnson
    The Unfortunates. B. S. Johnson
    Sold out
  • Astragal. Albertine Sarrazin
    Astragal. Albertine Sarrazin
  • My Emily Dickinson. Susan Howe
    My Emily Dickinson. Susan Howe
    Sold out
  • Lucky Breaks. Yevgenia Belorusets
    Lucky Breaks. Yevgenia Belorusets
    Sold out
  • Voices in the Evening. Natalia Ginzburg
    Voices in the Evening. Natalia Ginzburg
    Sold out
  • In Memory of Memory. Maria Stepanova
    In Memory of Memory. Maria Stepanova
    Sold out
  • The English understand wool. Helen DeWitt
    The English understand wool. Helen DeWitt