BUTT Issue #35
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Via dei Fossi, 15 Rosso
50123 Florence FI
"BUTT's thick 35th issue packs in pleasures from shameless queers the world over. Between the splashy covers, catch popstar Troye Sivan stripped for a motel quickie, house-spinning icon Honey Dijon dish with Jeremy O. Harris, and the last-ever interview with literary legend Gary Indiana – R.I.P. Plus, find cum-dripped fantasies by Sadao Hasegawa, Pierre the Farmer naked, and the scoop on trans stripping in NYC. On the cover – Giorgi Kikonishvili, a gay-about-Tblisi organizing everything from parties and protests. And, of course, a lot more.
TROYE SIVAN, poppers-sniffing stadium star - By Zak Stone and Clifford Prince King
LALO SANTOS, OnlyFansero spills Revolutionary load - By Alberto Bustamante and Gustavo García-Villa
HONEY DIJON, house-spinning icon - By Jeremy O. Harris and Alasdair McLellan
SADAO HASEGAWA, cum-dripped fantasies from Japan - By Yasuyuki Shinohara and Sadao Hasegawa
GARY INDIANA, R.I.P. to a literary mastermind - By Michael Bullock and Reynaldo Rivera
GIORGI KKONISHVILI, gay-about-Tbilisi organizes parties and protests - By Anton Shebetko
STRIP, illegal trans strip nights in NYC - By Ruby Zarsky and Lia Clay ]
PIERRE THE FARMER, handsome French fairy milks cow naked - By Daniel Jack Lyons
DEAN SAMESHIMA, conservator of the stickiest corners of gay culture - By Evan Moffitt and Paul Mpagi Sepuya
CARLOS SÁEZ, mechanophilic artist from Valencia - By Andrew Pasquier and Raphaël Chatelain
UNFUCKWITHABLE, on the benefits of club sex - By Kay Gabriel and Sam Clarke
CAN HOST, Berlin allotment garden is fuck-friendly paradise - By Thyago Sainte"