Todo Modo is a cultural enterprise based in Via de' Fossi in the Santa Maria Novella district of Florence.
Born on November 11, 2014.

Like a fungus, it takes root and begins to structure itself. It slowly gives life to an underground network that generates fruiting bodies.

They're popping up like mushrooms.

The newsstand is the most contemporary place there is. What is sold today will not sell tomorrow&

“A true cultural center, where books and natural wine become tools for connecting people.”

- Lampoon Magazine

“Todo Modo and Hiroko represent two sides of the same coin: a maniacal attention to quality, whether in books or food, to offer authentic experiences.”

- Today food

“With Periodico 11.11, Todo Modo brings a historic newsstand back to life, giving space to international newspapers, books and an innovative project of cultural regeneration.”