Born in the midst of a global pandemic and strict lockdown regime
where only take-out was allowed, Hiroko's BENTŌ are delicious.
You can find them every day - along with a super selection of wines, spirits, books and Japanese objects - at the Manifattura
Tabacchi, where the small Japanese shop HIROKO is located
(55 m2 with wooden shelves, rice paper walls, a large counter and outdoor tables).
You can order (take away or delivery) or
eat at the outdoor tables, always accompanied by a
glass of wine, a Japanese beer or a glass of sake.

What is the bento ?
Bento is a portable balanced meal prepared in a box.
called bentōbako (tin, ceramic, plastic or wood) divided into different sections to hold a variety of foods, such as rice,
fish, meat, vegetables, eggs and fruit.
Usually people prepare it in the morning and eat it
at lunch time. The Japanese use it for picnics in the park or
train travel (eki ben).
Tobacco Factory
Puccini Square