No longer a tent, not yet a shop. The beating heart of a
neighborhood. The newsstand is the most contemporary place there is. What sells today will not sell tomorrow. It is certainly the most informed. The newsstand knows everything: world news, weather, fashion, modeling, terrorism (Italian), minerals and gems. The art of bonsai. The newsstand is for all ages, for life. It is the only place where you can find Peppa Pig comics and porn a little further on.
At the newsstand you start with the daily newspaper and go on to infinity.
Let us celebrate the rebirth of a new newsstand that was closing.

Let's celebrate her with her birthday
and let's give it a name:
It is periodic but does not like to repeat itself.
The dash above the “ō” is called a "macron." In this context, in the name "PERIODICŌ," the macron indicates that the vowel "o" should
be pronounced in a long way. As if you heard the newsboy shout: PERIODICOOOO!!

Edison Square
Field of Mars