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  • ROSSO E NERO - Todo Modo
  • ROSSO E NERO - Todo Modo


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    L’irruento, il bello, il vivissimo Julien pronunzia le sue ultime parole per insegnare ad un amico come riscattare il suo corpo. E’ inutile spiegare il patetico di questa situazione a chi non abbia la sensibilità per averlo già percepito da sé…



    • progetto grafico MUTTNIK


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    • Inside each cover there is a unique and different book, so yes for those who choose it the book is totally random but the chance is dictated by a sort of connection with the cover, in this case with the Decameron. We booksellers will put inside that specific cover (in his case the Decameron) a book that makes sense. And above all a beautiful book!!

    • It would be an extraordinary twist of fate and what's more it would never be the same copy because  each serenpidity is unique and original in its own way. Even with kinder sheep you can risk having the same surprise.

    • the serenpidities that you buy and find on the site are all second hand, very often first editions or very rare editions. However, there is also the possibility of "serenpiditizing" a new book of your choice (for example your favorite book or a book to give as a gift). In this case, in addition to the cover price, there will be a cost of 5 euros for the serenpiditization

    • The reference paradigms are to be understood as the categories, genres or sections within which those specific books are to be included. As if they were labels placed on the shelves  Of  a library, only instead of genres  usual (crime, novelties, literature, poetry, etc.) there are these paradigms. In this specific case the paradigm of the multifaceted genius may contain books by extraordinary men, excellent biographies, but also scientific essays or philosophical texts.